Saturday, June 29, 2019

How to Remove a Splinter With Baking Soda video.

How to Remove a Splinter With Baking Soda Natural Health Remedies
How to Remove a Splinter With Baking Soda Splinters are foreign bodies that are partially or fully embedded in the skin. Splinters usually are wood, but metal, glass, and plastic materials may be considered splinters. Splinters are full of germs. If splinters are not removed (or don't work their way out themselves), they may cause an infection. Home remedies include - Using a pair of tweezers, grab the protruding end of the splinter and pull it out along the direction it entered. Wash the area with soap and water. At times, splinters may be fully embedded in the skin. Use a small needle sterilized in boiling water. Clean the skin with an antiseptic and Use the needle to gently and partially dislodge the splinter, which may then be removed fully with tweezers. However sometimes There is an easier way to remove those tiny, pesky splinters than trying to dig around with a tweezer. baking soda helps swell the skin and draw the splinter to the surface. Simply make a paste of baking soda and water, apply to the area, and cover with a bandage. After about 24 hours, the splinter should be sticking out enough that you can pull it out with tweezers. If not, repeat the process. Here is the exact method to use 1 Make a paste with baking soda and water. In a small cup or other container, add a generous amount of baking soda. Then, add in water in small increments and mix until you form a thick paste. There is no precise ratio of baking soda to water. You just need to add enough that you end up with a paste. 2 Apply your paste to the splinter. Use your fingers or a paper towel to gently dab the paste over your splinter. Add a light layer of paste to the splinter and the surrounding skin. Be careful not to push the splinter in deeper when applying the paste. 3 Cover the spot with a Band-Aid. Place a Band-Aid over the paste. Make sure to cover the splinter completely with the cotton portion of the Band-Aid. The type of Band-Aid does not matter as long as it fits over the splinter.[7] 4 Remove the Band-Aid after a few hours. Wait anywhere from an hour to a day to remove the Band-Aid. Splinters that are stuck in deep will generally require more time. When you remove the bandaid, the splinter should come out easily.[8] • If the splinter does not come out by itself as you pull off the band aid, try gently squeezing it with tweezers (sterilize tweezers with alcohol before using). • If the splinter does not come out the first time, or is still very deep, try repeating the process and leaving the bandaid on longer, up to 24 hours.[9] • Rinse the area with soap and water and apply antibiotic ointment after the splinter comes out. • You may also cover the area with a bandaid after the splinter has been removed to help with the healing process. If a splinter appears to be too deep to attempt removal at home, then see your doctor or may have to carry out minor surgery to get it out especially if its underneath a nail. I hope you have enjoyed this video on How to Remove a Splinter With Baking Soda And if you have please subscribe and give this video the thumbs up. And im sure your going to enjoy this next video on 40 Brilliant Uses & Benefits of Baking Soda You Never Knew Thanks for watching and bye for now

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