Wednesday, July 15, 2020

13 Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms & Intolerance | BEST HOME REMEDIES video.

13 Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms & Intolerance | BEST HOME REMEDIES Natural Health Remedies
Gluten intolerance is often mistaken for celiac disease, but they’re actually very separate conditions. Celiac disease is a severe autoimmune disease, and tends to be more damaging than gluten intolerance, which doesn’t affect the digestive tract. The symptoms of gluten intolerance are less severe than celiac disease, and at the moment, doctors and scientists know much less about the condition. When people with a gluten intolerance eat foods that contain gluten, they may experience a certain combination of symptoms in the hours that follow. The symptoms of gluten sensitivity or intolerance that we know of so far are as follows: 1. Diarrhea and constipation Symptoms of gluten intolerance can include constipation, fatigue, headaches, and nausea. People who have gluten intolerance say that regular instances of diarrhea and constipation are a common symptom. If you occasionally have such digestive issues, that’s completely normal, but experiencing them on most days can indicate an underlying condition. 2. Bloating Another very common symptom that people report in cases of gluten intolerance is bloating. Bloating refers to the feeling of a full stomach that tends to be uncomfortable and lasting. It’s common also to feel a build-up of gas. Over-eating is the most common reason for bloating, but it can happen for a number of different reasons. In people with gluten intolerance, the feeling of bloating can occur very regularly, and it’s not necessarily related to the amount of food they eat. 3. Abdominal pain Similarly, several different causes can lead to abdominal pain. It doesn’t always relate to gluten intolerance, but again, people reporting gluten intolerance often note experiencing abdominal pain frequently and without another obvious reason. It may come hand-in-hand with constipation and diarrhoea. 4. Fatigue Fatigue is another symptom that people may find hard to identify, as it can have a lot of different causes, many of which aren’t related to any medical condition. People with gluten intolerance may have persistent feelings of tiredness that prevent them from functioning at their best throughout the day. 5. Nausea People with gluten intolerance can also experience nausea, especially after eating a meal containing a large amount of gluten-heavy foods. Nausea can have many causes, but if it often occurs after eating gluten, it can be a sign of gluten intolerance. 6. Headaches Experiencing regular headaches is another symptom that can occur in people with gluten intolerance. Headaches are a common symptom that can crop up randomly in day-to-day life, but they’re usually accompanied by a combination of the symptoms listed in this video in people with gluten sensitivity. 7. Other symptoms People with gluten intolerance may experience several other symptoms on a regular basis, though these are less common, and we don’t know so much about why they’re caused. These symptoms include joint and muscle pain, depression or anxiety, confusion, severe abdominal pain, and anaemia, a lack of iron in the body. If you know that you have a gluten sensitivity, and you avoid gluten for that reason, you’ll probably find that no matter how careful you are, you will fall prey to accidental gluten ingestion at least once in your lifetime. Of course, the best natural remedy for gluten sensitivity will always be to avoid gluten altogether, but if you’ve already eaten a gluten-based food, stay tuned for fourteen home remedies you can try for accidental gluten ingestion that will ease your pain. 1. Activated Charcoal With gluten intolerance, activated charcoal ought to be a staple in your kitchen cupboards. It’s often used medicinally to absorb ingested poisons, but in this case, it also helps to reduce bloating and gas. Charcoal has been a stomach aid in Mexico since the pre-Hispanic cultures, albeit in the form of burnt corn tortillas. Luckily, you don’t need to burn your foods to benefit from activated charcoal today. You should note that activated charcoal’s absorption powers are so great, it can render certain medications less effective, so speak to your doctor before you give it a go. Similarly, constipation is a common side effect of activated charcoal, which may work well for you if your gluten consumption leads to diarrhoea.

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