Tuesday, November 5, 2019

14 Health Benefits of Spinach Superfood including Weight Loss, Hair Growth & Pregnancy video.

14 Health Benefits of Spinach Superfood including Weight Loss, Hair Growth & Pregnancy Natural Health Remedies
Remember when salads were a bit, well, sad? There was only one sort people went for, and we were never really inventive with our choices. And then along came spinach, a type of leaf, dark green in colour, that changed the salad game forever. As it turns out, spinach is one of the most versatile vegetables out there. It can be eaten raw or cooked, blended or chopped, canned, frozen, added to pies, pizzas, pasta dishes and sandwiches, and it’s even now considered a smoothie staple. The world has well and truly fallen in love with spinach – and not only because of its delicious taste. Spinach is often referred to as a superfood because of its highly nutritious properties. It’s packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as folic acid, iron, and calcium. It’s high in fibre and magnesium, and is also one of the best sources of plant-based protein. It’s nutrient-dense whether you eat it raw or cooked, and is a great filling, low-calorie option for anyone interested in following a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you’re new to spinach, you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. Well, we’re here to tell you. Stay tuned to discover the 15 major health benefits of spinach, and learn why it’s worth you adding it to your diet today… No1 It aids digestion One serving of spinach contains an impressive 2.4 grams of fibre, which comes in at about 10 percent of your daily value. Spinach is a source of insoluble fibre, which helps to encourage good digestion by adding bulk to your stool as food passes through the intestines towards the bowels. It can also help keep the digestive tract healthy, and prevents complications like haemorrhoids. Drink lots of water when you consume spinach to get the most out of its digestive properties. No2 It promotes healthy skin Spinach is considered one of the top five foods to eat for healthy skin, thanks to the high quantity of nutrients it packs. The iron, folate, vitamin E, magnesium, protein, vitamin C, fibre, antioxidant, chlorophyll and vitamin A content in spinach make it a great daily diet staple to keep skin clear and pimple-free. Spinach’s antioxidant content in particular helps promote healthy skin by fighting against a range of common skin problems and delaying signs of ageing. No3 It improves immune function Spinach is a good source of vitamin C, which is known for its antioxidant properties, and helps fight off infection in the body. Spinach also contains flavonoids, which, in research, have been proven to prevent common colds in otherwise healthy people. One study even found that pregnant women who consume vitamin A, another nutrient found in high quantities in spinach, can boost their baby’s immune system for life. No4 It encourages blood clotting Just a small serving of spinach contains a high amount of vitamin K, a group of fat-soluble vitamins that regulate blood calcium levels and encourage the normal clotting of blood. People with thinner blood than usual may benefit from vitamin K. Without blood clotting, the body could end up bleeding excessively from a minor injury, leaving us at risk of dying – so vitamin K is a vital nutrient for a healthy diet. No5 It’s essential for pregnant women One of the best sources of folate for pregnant women is spinach. Folate is a B vitamin that has been proved in numerous studies to be essential for healthy development of infants. You can take vitamins to up your folate intake while pregnant, but it’s advised that you don’t rely on those alone. Eating spinach while pregnant can help prevent serious defects in the unborn baby’s brain and spine, and reduce the risk of a premature birth. No6 It keeps the body oxygenated Spinach contains iron, which plays a key role in the healthy functioning of red blood cells. These red blood cells carry oxygen around the body, helping us to produce energy and assisting in DNA synthesis. Nitrogen, another nutrient found in spinach, is a chemical that also plays a role in delivering oxygen around the body. A high intake of nitrogen is essential for reducing the thickness of blood – which can prevent the internal clotting that can lead to heart disease and stroke. No6 It boosts heart health

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