Saturday, November 23, 2019

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Spicy Food video.

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Spicy Food Natural Health Remedies
In this video I’m going to show you What happens to your body when you eat spicy food Have you ever eaten spicy food and experienced some pretty unusual sensations in your body afterwards? You wouldn’t be the only one – spicy food is more beneficial to your body than you might think, but it can take some getting used to. The direct health benefits we can get from consuming spicy foods is proof that oftentimes, a healthy diet is the most effective way of warding off the doctor for good. Many people are wary of spicy foods because, when eaten in excess, they can cause some pretty nasty side effects like heartburn and indigestion. But there’s no need to overdo yourself. You can still include plenty of spices in your diet without increasing the heat to a level that’s overwhelming. And you’ll still see plenty of benefits from doing so. If you’re curious to know what happens to your body when you eat spicy food, we’re about to reveal all… No1 Improved respiration It might seem a little hard to believe, but scientific evidence points to an unusual remedy for people with respiratory diseases like asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It’s thought that hot peppers such as cayenne pepper can help you to breathe better because of the capsaicin they contain, which helps stimulate secretions in the lungs, and protects the mucus membranes in the upper and lower respiratory tract. You might have heard of the old natural remedy for a blocked nose: eating a cayenne pepper. This is because these peppers open up the nasal passages by drying up the pesky mucus lurking in there, making it easier to breathe. No2 Boost your mood Who’d have thought eating spicy food could help you to feel happier? Chili peppers are a great source of magnesium, which help balance our mood, boosting the levels of “happy” hormones endorphins and serotonin we produce. Another reason why we feel so uplifted after eating a spicy meal is because our taste buds react with the capsaicin we find in chillies and other hot spices. This causes our brain to think it’s been burned, and our body to think it’s in pain – which stimulates the production of endorphins. Dopamine is also released, which is a hormone often related to the pleasure sensation. No3 A better night’s sleep There’s a fair bit of debate about whether spicy food can actually help or hinder your sleep, but recent studies have found that providing you’re not eating something hot right before bed, you can definitely benefit from a better night’s rest. Not only can spicy food help you sleep better, but it can actually help you to feel more alert the next day. Research in Australia found that a group of volunteers had a far better of quality sleep when they ate food containing chillies than when they didn’t. It’s thought that capsaicin effects the sensors in the brain that are responsible for our sleep cycles. No4 Relieves cold and flu symptoms We already know that cayenne pepper can help to get rid of a blocked nose, but it goes further than that. Spicy food can help to relieve the general symptoms of cold and flu, loosening phlegm in your throat and making it easier to breathe, as well as providing short-term anti-inflammatory effects. Eating spicy food causes the brain to produce more hormones to fight against pain, and prevent stress signals from being sent around the body. This can help to reduce discomfort and pain that you might associate with a cold or flu. No5 Reduces arthritis pain Making small changes to your diet is said to help with arthritis, which causes inflammation and pain in the joints. While the solution here is not necessarily to jump to your typical hot spices, finding the ones that provide the biggest anti-inflammatory properties can be a real help to people with the condition. Spices like turmeric, ginger, cayenne and cinnamon can all help with arthritis when included regularly in meals. The capsaicin in chili peppers in particular contains anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce swelling and soothe pain, helping arthritis sufferers to maintain joint movement and muscle strength. No6 Improves digestion Yes, here’s the disclaimer: eating spicy foods can cause indigestion and heartburn, none of which are particularly good for your health. But as with everything, it’s all about moderation. Studies have found that eating a small serving of certain spices, such as those derived from pepper or chili plants, have many digestive benefits. Because spices are capable of reducing inflammation, it can relieve symptoms of discomfort in the digestive tract, and inhibit a certain bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. It also has a pain numbing effect, showing promise in treating IBS and other digestive disorders.

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