Wednesday, October 21, 2020

14 Powerful Natural Homes Remedies to Remove Mucus & Phlegm From Lungs Naturally video.

14 Powerful Natural Homes Remedies to Remove Mucus & Phlegm From Lungs Naturally Natural Health Remedies
Produced naturally by your body, mucus plays an important role. It forms a protective layer in your mouth, nose, sinuses, throat, lungs, stomach and intestines to prevent them from getting dehydrated. Mucus also creates a protective barrier to keep bacteria and viruses from getting into your body. But sometimes its composition changes and mucus becomes thicker. When that happens, its presence in your body makes itself known. In this video, we’ll share with you the best home remedies for removing mucus from the lungs to help you get back to your best self as quickly as possible. 1. Ginger and honey Ginger has powerful therapeutic properties, which is why it’s often used to treat colds. Ginger helps relieve coughs and soothes your airways, while working wonders to dislodge stubborn mucus. Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties, perfect if you have a sore throat or cold and are clogged up with phlegm. Honey deposits a protective layer on your throat, reducing irritation and allowing your mucous membranes to heal. Warm 2 tablespoons of honey, making sure its temperature doesn’t exceed 40 degrees Celsius, because hotter than that, honey loses its therapeutic effectiveness. Add a teaspoon of grated ginger. Take two tablespoons daily for three days. If your symptoms persist, consult a health professional. 2. Gargling with salt water Gargling warm salt water can help clear phlegm that has made its way up from your lungs and is hanging on the back of your throat. It may even kill germs and soothe your sore throat. Stir 1 tablespoon of table salt into a glass of hot water, then gargle with the solution for a few minutes, up to three times a day. 3. Turmeric Turmeric is a true superfood. It relieves pain, reduces inflammation and increases the body’s resistance. Mix half a teaspoon each of black pepper and turmeric in a glass of hot non-dairy milk, and add a scant teaspoon of honey. You can drink this concoction daily until the mucus clears up. 4. Hot drinks A good hot cup of herbal tea is one of the best remedies for diluting stubborn phlegm. A nice cup of mint or chamomile or tea is a good option for helping to get the mucus loose enough for you to cough it up and get rid of it for good. 5. Inhaling essential oils You can keep your mucus membranes moist by inhaling steam made from lightly salted water and essential oils of plants such as eucalyptus and rosemary. Steam inhalation is a standard method for clearing phlegm build-up in the respiratory tract, but it might prove even more effective if you add a few drops of therapeutic essential oils to the water. 6. Try Onion Extract You may not be a fan of its bitter taste, but raw onion extract is considered as one of the best remedies to treat a congested chest. Onions contain a compound which helps get mucus flowing and prevents further build-up of mucus. For this remedy, you’ll need to extract the juice from an onion by either squeezing it or putting it in a juicer. Mix it with lemon juice, honey and water, then heat this mixture and drink the concoction warm. 7. Eat the right foods Using handy ingredients that can be found around the house, it’s possible to break up your phlegm while also soothing your airways. One easy option is to make lemon tea by adding a few teaspoons of lemon juice to a cup of warm water. The acidity present in the lemon juice will help break up the phlegm. A few other natural ingredients to try when breaking up phlegm and killing bacteria are cayenne pepper, turmeric, and ginger.

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