Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Want To Improve Your Well-Being? Try These Steps

Following through on the right resolutions about your health and lifestyle choices doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if you have a firm idea of areas you want to improve, and remember that small, gradual steps typically have better results than cold-turkey or all-or-nothing approaches. Your health and lifestyle goals should be more about creating lifelong habits and not 30-day miracles, pace yourself for long-term success.

Take some time today to consider areas of your life you would like to improve. You may want to be healthier, more generous, less stressed, or just more optimistic. Once you determine your goals, create a timeline and attach some simple steps to get there.

Consider your strengths and how they can help you on your path, as well as your weaknesses and ways you can work around and with them. Also consider sharing your goals with a close friend or loved one and ask them to check in with you regarding your progress. Voicing a goal and creating accountability partners can help secure greater success.

If, during your progress, you take a step backward, use it as a learning opportunity! Keep looking forward and try to understand what led to the misstep in an effort to learn for next time. Most goals are reached with both good and bad days playing a part!

Hiring a health coach (even virtually) to help you create these priorities and stick to them, while tracking progress. Some local provider may be available to you or you may choose to search online for one. The University of Arizona program has been training coaches for several years, you may start by looking for one who is familiar with my recommendations for optimal health. Like medical providers, spend a bit of time finding one that matches your goals and values and look at it as a long-term investment in yourself.

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* This article was originally published here

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