Saturday, February 22, 2020

What Are Weighted Anxiety Blankets? | How Do They Work | Health Benefits video.

What Are Weighted Anxiety Blankets? | How Do They Work | Health Benefits Natural Health Remedies
Sleep plays a vital role in your health and wellness, not only in general, but also on a daily basis. When we lack sleep we can become easily distracted, overly fatigued, and irritable. Lack of sleep can also lead to things like weakened immunity, headaches, high blood pressure, weight gain, and poor memory and performance at work. Unfortunately, not all of us get the sleep that we need to function at our best. Professionals recommend between 7-8 hours of sleep per night for optimal health and performance. But what do you do when your anxiety is getting in the way of your sleep? Try a weighted anxiety blanket! So What is a weighted anxiety blanket and how does it work? Weighted blankets are blankets that come filled with weighted materials. These blankets are usually throw sized and often come filled with things like plastic pellets. The idea behind a weighted blanket is that it can add a feeling of pressure on the body which in turns offers a calming effect. More specifically, weighted blankets focus on the idea of “DTP”, or “Deep Touch Pressure” Also its sometimes referred to as “Deep Touch Simulation”. Wearing a weighted blanket can be compared to the idea of getting a massage. The pressure of the physical touch of a massage has several physical and psychological benefits, as does the physical touch of a weighted blanket. Many occupational therapists use Deep Touch Pressure to help relax and calm their patients. They are also often used to help children with sensory disorders, as well as children and adults suffering from stress, anxiety, anger, and insomnia - it’s kind of like getting a “warm hug”. If you want to see the best anxiety blankets on the market then click here. So What are the benefits of a weighted anxiety blanket? No 1 Mood boost When gentle pressure is applied to your body (as is the case when wearing a weighted blanket), the production of serotonin is boosted. This “feel good” hormone then naturally boosts your mood and helps you get a better sleep, allowing you to function at full capacity the next day. No 2 Reduced Anxiety Did you know that anxiety can be linked to a reduced production of serotonin within the brain? By way of reasoning then, weighted blankets that help to produce serotonin can also help to reduce anxiety. These blankets can be a great way to help you ease your nerves at night, and can be a good alternative to anti-anxiety medications. No 3 Reduction of other disorders Other disorders that have been linked to low serotonin levels include Depression, aggression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. By boosting serotonin levels, weighted blankets can also help to manage these conditions. No 4 A good night of rest As we already established, sleep is important. A good night of rest can help to boost your immune system, improve your memory, concentration, and productivity, reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, boost your mood, and reduce the risk of anxiety and depression - and that’s just the beginning of what a good night of rest can do! A high quality weighted blanket can help you achieve the rest that you deserve and the rest that will help you improve your quality of life. Again you can click here to find the best anxiety blankets on the market. So finally, How do you use a weighted blanket? Most weighted blankets vary between 15-30 pounds. The weight that you choose should be based on your own personal preferences, as well as your personal weight and age. With that being said, you should always consult your doctor before using a weighted blanket if you have any medical concerns, especially those related to respiratory or circulatory conditions. So Get the rest you deserve and try a weighted blanket today! I hope you have enjoyed this video If you have please subscribe to this YouTube channel, and don’t forget to give this video the thumbs up. And I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this next video on How to lower anxiety naturally Thanks for watching and bye for now

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