Wednesday, September 23, 2020

16 Home Remedies to Boost Your Immune System Naturally video.

16 Home Remedies to Boost Your Immune System Naturally Natural Health Remedies
In order to function well, our immune systems require balance and harmony. We’ll be discussing the top ways to promote that balance through diet, exercise, supplements and other healthy-living strategies. 1. Remember your A-B-C-D-Es A lack of micronutrients – i.e., vitamins – has been linked to reduced immunity. Taking a multivitamin supplement, along with eating a healthy diet rich in natural sources of nutrients, boosts overall health as well as the immune system. In particular, vitamins A, B2, B6, C, D and E have been studied in relation to immune response, and seem to play a key role in helping us avoid illness. You’ll get the best mineral intake from fruits and vegetables, so make sure you include them in your diet aplenty! 2. Get some sun Spending some time in natural light is one of the key ways our bodies manufacture vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a role in helping our immune systems produce antibodies; low levels of vitamin D, on the other hand, have been correlated with a higher risk of respiratory infection. Just make sure to apply sun cream if you’re heading out on a particularly sunny day. 3. Practice stress reduction Stress has so many faces. Of course, work and life stress are traditional stress factors, but our bodies also perceive food intolerances and allergies as stressors, along with exposure to toxins and other environmental factors. Excessive exercise can also cause stress in the body. Whenever we’re stressed, no matter what the cause, we’re engaging the sympathetic nervous system. This leads to the release of cortisol, which our bodies perceive to be necessary during stress. Excessive production of cortisol can leave our adrenals depleted and leave us in a weakened state. Cortisol clamps down immune function to prioritize stress management and keep us alive. Incorporating stress management techniques like deep breathing, meditation, exercise, self-care practices and anything else that allows you to relax can all be helpful in mitigating the damaging effects of stress, especially on the immune system. 4. Try turmeric The bright orange-yellow spice that gives curries a distinct flavour and mustard its colour has a whole host of health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory properties, and there is increasing evidence that it helps prevent illness, too. Extracts of turmeric seem to play a role in preventing cancer, slowing Alzheimer’s, and alleviating arthritis pain. 5. Run a relaxing bath A nice hot bath, with Epsom salt or relaxing aromatherapy scents, can go a long way toward reducing our stress and making us sleepy. Sleep is one of the key ways our bodies repair themselves, and sleep deprivation activates the stress response, depresses immune function and elevates inflammatory chemicals. Just don’t fall asleep in the bath – that wouldn’t be ideal. 6. Eat more vegetables Vegetables, as well as fruits, nuts, and seeds, are loaded with nutrients that we need to keep our immune systems in top health. In particular, cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, kale, and broccoli help support liver function, a key part of our bodies’ natural detoxification process. 7. Micromanage your minerals In addition to a range of vitamins, it is important to get enough — but not too much — of key minerals that are important to daily health. Selenium, found in pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish, and eggs, may help prevent cancer, and zinc, found in whole grains, milk products, oysters and red meat, is a critical ingredient for the proper function of our immune cells. However, experts caution that too much zinc can actually impair immune function, so it’s important to stick to the recommended daily allowance. 8. Eat plenty of mushrooms Certain types of mushrooms, particularly Japanese mushrooms have recently been shown to help support the production of immune cells. They contain powerful compounds that enhance and balance your body's ability to fight disease and stay healthy. Being jam-packed with healing antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components, they can destroy infections, slow down aging, and regenerate nerve cells. 9. Try herbal remedies Scientists are still studying the effectiveness of many herbal supplements traditionally used as health boosters, like ginseng, and whether or not they have a measurable effect on the immune system. Many people online have talked of their success in using herbal remedies for a stronger immune system, but our bodies are all so different, and one thing may not work for everyone. A few herbal remedies that are worth trying are: • Elderberry, a dark violet berry containing immune-boosting benefits. Research shows that elderberry can reduce the duration and severity of symptoms of the common cold. • Echinacea, a pretty purple flower grown primarily in North America. When used medicinally, it can help decrease the duration and severity of colds and other upper respiratory infections when taken at the onset of symptoms.

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