Thursday, August 29, 2019

15 benefits of Cold Showers For Men In the Morning Everyday video.

15 benefits of Cold Showers For Men In the Morning Everyday Natural Health Remedies
Cold showers are not quite becoming THE new trend, but there is a reason why some men are switching their morning routines, ignoring the warm tap, and instead spinning that cold tap. This is not just to start the day with a ‘refreshing’ icy blast but to improve the overall wellbeing of their body. Think you could stomach a cold shower in the morning after your alarm clock goes off. Take a look at the top 15 benefits of taking the plunge and turning your shower cold! 1. They Increase Body Immune System Strength People who take cold showers are often found to have a higher white blood cell production than those who don’t. This increases the amount of important white blood cells inside your body. The white blood cells help to fight off diseases, boosting the strength of your immune system. So if you’re looking to improve your immunity, give the cold shower a try. 2. They Help Prevent Varicose Veins Varicose veins appear in the legs as a common sign of ageing. Eventually, they can cause pain for elderly people when trying to stand. The cold water stimulates the muscles and can treat the issue. 3. They Help Boost Your Metabolism Another of the amazing benefits of cold showers is that they help improve your metabolism. Believe it or not, there is such a thing as healthy fat inside your body. Many people look at fat as black and white, but the healthy fat inside your body actually helps you out a great deal. Ice cold showers actually increase the amount of healthy fat inside your body, which in turn, boosts your metabolism and helps you lose weight. If weight loss is your goal, try and take a cold shower everyday to increase your metabolism. 4. They Improve Your Mood Getting up in the morning can often be a task for most people in itself. It still doesn’t get much better for many people once they’ve had a nice hot shower to try and warm themselves up. When you take an ice cold shower, your body will be put into a small state of shock by the water. In an attempt to keep your body warm, your heart will start pumping more blood around your body, and your breathing will deepen to increase your oxygen intake. Essentially, the shock of cold water in the morning kicks starts a process that boosts your energy levels, and therefore improves your mood before you’ve really even begun your day. 5. They Promote Relaxation & Relieves Stress Cold showers lower your body’s levels of uric acid, and increase the levels of Glutathione in your blood. Both these factors help reduce stress levels, and allow you to become in a more relaxed state. 6. They Wake You Up If you can Drag your lazy body into an ice cold shower the minute you wake up, you’ll feel like you’ve been electrocuted. Also it improves your circulation and causes a higher state of alertness 7. They Improve the Condition of Your Hair & Skin Research has shown that taking ice cold showers stops your hair and skin from losing too many of its natural oils. Natural oils help keep our skin, fresh, smooth and luscious, and our hair shiny, strong and intact! Taking cold showers can act as an anti-aging process, and significantly improve the health of your body on the outside, not just the inside. 8. They Can Help Fight Depression A study shows that the ice cold showers can stimulate a part of your brain which contains the largest source of Nor-adrenaline. This is a chemical that’s associated with fighting depression, and with the cold shower stimulating the production of this chemical, it can help alleviate depression. 9. They Cause a Higher State of Alertness We mentioned before that the shock of the cold water gives you an energy boost, as a rush of blood surges through your body. This essentially gives you a higher state of alertness. Which is crucial for most daily tasks that require concentration and awareness. 10. They’re Linked With Increased Testosterone Levels Testosterone levels are majorly important for men’s health, but do also affect women. As men get past the age of 30, their testosterone levels start to decline, so efforts are often made to keep T-levels high for maximum health. When you take measures to keep your testicles cool, your testosterone levels benefit significantly. Which is why having cold showers in the morning, will improve your T-levels. 11They Speed Up Muscle Recovery Often used by bodybuilders, and many other athletes, Ice showers and ice baths are the norm’. The cold water can help reduce the time it takes for your muscles to recover from a workout or injury.

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