Thursday, June 25, 2020

Ginger For Nausea And Motion Sickness

If nausea and motion sickness are issues for you, try ginger, a natural anti-inflammatory agent that is useful for relieving these uncomfortable symptoms. Ginger is also associated with relieving some of the of symptoms of arthritis, bursitis, and more.

Ginger is commonly available in forms ranging from whole fresh root, crystallized ginger and honey-based ginger syrups to capsules containing powdered extracts. Look for products made with only 100 percent pure ginger. For inflammatory conditions, take 1,000 to 2,000mg (or 1 to 2 grams) of powdered ginger a day; for nausea and prevention of motion sickness, take 1,000 mg as a preventive, following that with 500 mg every four hours as needed. (You may also try eating two pieces of crystallized ginger, taking a spoonful of ginger syrup or sipping ginger tea.) In my experience, this seems to be equally as effective as the over the counter motion sickness offerings without the sedation and dry mouth side effects.

To prevent high doses from causing stomach irritation, take ginger with food. Ginger may also act as a blood thinner, so curbing daily use at least two weeks before surgery is advisable. If you are pregnant, use ginger to address morning sickness with some caution – I would not recommend using more 1,000 to 1,500 mg per day divided into two to four doses throughout, particularly during the early stages of pregnancy.

For more information, watch the video “Spices with Dr. Weil: Ginger.”

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* This article was originally published here

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