Saturday, July 18, 2020

20 Symptoms of Thyroid Problems YOU NEED TO KNOW | Natural Remedies for Thyroid Problems video.

20 Symptoms of Thyroid Problems YOU NEED TO KNOW | Natural Remedies for Thyroid Problems Natural Health Remedies
There are a number of thyroid disorders, but the most common of them all is hypothyroidism. Hypo- means deficient or underactive, and hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is underperforming or producing too little thyroid hormone. Recognizing the symptoms of hypothyroidism, or even a slightly “off” thyroid and thyroid problems, is extremely important. The earlier you detect the symptoms and bring your concerns to your doctor's attention, the sooner you can begin receiving proper treatment to manage your thyroid issues. There is an endless list of symptoms that can be associated with thyroid problems. Of course, the problem with many of these symptoms is that they can also come about quite naturally on their own, and don’t actually have anything to do with your thyroid. For that reason, if you’re feeling a little off-colour, and this feeling continues for several days of weeks, it’s best to visit your doctor and present all of your symptoms. Your doctor will then be able to carry out the tests you need. So without further ado, let’s get into the symptoms of thyroid problems, broken down into 20 categories. 1. Energy Level and Sleep People with thyroid problems may experience chronic fatigue, less stamina than others, and may need a longer recovery period after any activity. They may have an inability to concentrate, and certain factors may disrupt their sleep, like sleep apnoea, snoring and insomnia. For this reason, if you have thyroid problems, you’re more likely to rely on taking naps in the afternoon, you may feel weakness when carrying out day to day activities, and you may wake feeling tired or frequently oversleep. 2. Weight One of the most common symptoms of a thyroid problem is weight gain. People with thyroid problems, especially hyperthyroidism, may find that they have an inability to lose weight, and experience abdominal fluid accumulation. On the other end of the scale, you may have a thyroid problem that leads to weight loss and the lack of desire to eat. 3. Body Temperature It’s pretty standard for people with thyroid issues to have cold extremities, such as their nose, hands and feet, unless they’re in a particularly warm environment. Thyroid issues can lead to cold sweats and night sweats, as well as an intolerance to heat and cold. People with thyroid issues may experience “internal shivering” and hypothermia, as well as clammy palms and either too much or too little perspiration. It’s also common for them to have a low basal body temperature, which is generally anything below 97.8 degrees Fahrenheit. 4. Slowness If you have slow movements and slow speech compared to your peers, you may have a thyroid problem. Other common issues related to slowness include a slowed achilles reflex, or the ankle jerk reflex, when the achilles is tapped in a certain place. You may also have diminished reflexes elsewhere on your body. 5. Infections When you have thyroid issues, you’re more likely to experience frequent infections and chronic illness. Thyroid problems tend to cause issues inside the immune system, which can lead to frequent colds, frequent flu’s, and a greater susceptibility to respiratory conditions like bronchitis. You may have a hard time recovering from infections, and you may commonly experience sinus infections, skin, ear, nose and throat infections, candida, pelvic inflammatory disease, and repeated infections of the urinary tract and respiratory tract. 6. Related Autoimmune Recent research has found that there is a strong link between thyroid problems and a number of autoimmune or endocrine diseases, including Graves’ disease, celiac disease, type 1 and type 2 diabetes and Addison’s disease. As a woman with thyroid problems, you may experience premature ovarian decline. Additional conditions that are related to thyroid problems include alopecia, Reynaud’s syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and psoriasis. 7. Swelling and Thickened Skin Another very common symptom of some thyroid disorders is swelling and thickened skin. You may notice that certain areas of skin, including that on and around your eyes, face, lips, neck, hands, arms, legs, feet, and ankles, are all swollen or thicker than they were previously. 8. Mouth and Throat There are several symptoms that relate to the mouth and throat that are often found in people with thyroid problems. If you have problems swallowing, a sensation a of lump in your throat or pressure on your throat, pain and tenderness in your neck or thyroid area, difficulty taking a deep breath, or a burning sensation in your throat, and these symptoms last for more than a week, it’s worth checking things out with your doctor. Other mouth and throat symptoms include sore throats, a swollen tongue, choking fits, a distorted sense of taste, salt cravings and sweet cravings, speech problems, a dry mouth, bad breath, and a low, husky and hoarse voice. You are also more likely to have

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