Saturday, August 22, 2020

40 WAYS TO RELAX Your Mind Before Bed & Relieve Stress, Super-Fast video.

40 WAYS TO RELAX Your Mind Before Bed & Relieve Stress, Super-Fast Natural Health Remedies
We’ve rounded up 40 ways to relax and relieve stress, super-fast. Let’s get right into it ………… 1 Go tropical Take a five-minute break to peel, slice, and bite into a juicy mango. Mangos contain a compound called linalool, the main ingredient in lavender essential oil. And we all know how lavender works wonders in reducing stress and anxiety. 2. Roll a tennis ball under your feet Gently roll a ball under your arches, stopping to apply more pressure when you find a tender spot. In under a few minutes can help loosen you up, making your whole body less irritated. 3. Get your head below your heart Put your head between your knees, or stand and hang your head and arms toward your toes. Getting your head below your heart has restorative effects on the autonomic nervous system, lessening your response to stress. 4. Splash cold water on your face Head to the loo and turn on the cold tap. Cool your hands and face with water and dab some on your pulse points. Cold water has an energizing effect. But it can also calm you if you’re body temperature is rising after a stressful moment 5. Get your green tea on This herbal tonic gives you the benefits of L-Theanine, a chemical that can help reduce the body’s stress responses. Plus just staring at a mug of the green liquid on your desk might calm you, too, thanks to the earthy qualities. 6. Find some alone time A hot soak in the company of bath bombs and candles might sound perfect, but any space that gives you privacy will work. All you need is five minutes of alone time to get you a little bit closer to calm. 7. Smell the flowers Keep a fresh jar of your favorite variety near your workspace or in the living room, and take a whiff whenever stress strikes. Really make an effort to stop and sniff them and this can-do wonders for your health. 8. Chillax with some chocolate When you need a quick break, break off a square of dark chocolate to boost your brain health and reduce stress. Dark chocolate is lower in sugar than milk chocolate, but it hits the sweet tooth sweet spot and has medicinal benefits. 9. Massage your hands Research shows that just a five-minute hand massage could help relieve anxiety Rub your favorite cream into your palms. Massage each joint and the webbing between each finger. Clench and release your fists. Then flex your wrists. The stretch will help relieve tension from endlessly tapping at your keyboard or scrolling through your phone. 10 Help yourself to a little honey This sticky substance made from our buzzy friends may help relieve anxiety, fight off depression, and even protect the brain Drizzle honey in your tea, coffee, yogurt, or just go straight for the jar with a spoon. The sweet stuff also works for a quick energy boost. 11. Do a crossword puzzle Brain games that require concentration can take your mind off whatever’s eating you. In our hyper-connected world with constant demands for our attention, focusing on a single task, like completing a puzzle, can put the mind into a meditation-like state. It creates a sense of peace and tranquillity 12. Cuddle with a furry friend Schedule some immediate hang-out time with your four-legged friend. Pets can boost self-esteem and even ease the sting of any social rejection. 13. Write it down Putting your feelings on the page provides an outlet for what’s on your mind. Try journaling about debt, work worries, or even things that annoy you about your partner or roommate. Seeing the words might just give you a new perspective. 14. Go for a stroll Walk to the coffee shop for your favorite drink, or take your dog out to stretch his legs. A quick cruise around the block combines exercise with a change of scenery for a double whammy against worry. 15. Laugh Nothing busts a bad mood quite as well as the giggles. Even science says laughter is the best medicine. Turn on YouTube and find some funny videos to make you laugh and brighten your mood.

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