Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Fresh Turmeric and Ginger Tonic - A Healthy Immune Boosting Morning Drink to Kick Start your Day video.

Fresh Turmeric and Ginger Tonic - A Healthy Immune Boosting Morning Drink to Kick Start your Day Natural Health Remedies
Fresh Turmeric and ginger Tonic is a healthy drink to kick your day off with. This anti-inflammatory morning drink is made with fresh ginger and turmeric root. It’s delicious and full of great stuff! If you have been following turmeric and ginger in the news, you already know that it has proven benefits, - Anti-inflammatory, digestive, relieve chronic pain, reduce nausea, improve immune function and much more. If you want to be able to take turmeric in a way that is enjoyable, and to pair it with some other healthy ingredients then keep watching. I’m going to show you a great morning “tonic” or smoothie Firstly, your going to need a good blender. All of the strings from the ginger, and the other ingredients will be completely pureed, leaving just a small amount of pulp behind. This tonic will have some texture, and isn’t just a thin juice. However, if you like a thinner juice, you could strain it. If you prefer you could use powdered turmeric or ginger, just be sure to find the freshest you can. The flavour will be better if you can use a fresh root. The ingredients your going to need is 3 inches of Fresh Turmeric, peeled and grated 1 and half inches of Fresh Ginger, peeled and grated 1 medium Carrot, chopped 1 Lemon, juiced 1 large Orange, juiced that’s about half a cup of juice 1 pinch of Finely Ground Pepper 1 and half cups of Coconut Water or filtered water 2-3 Table spoons of Raw Honey or Pure Maple Syrup for taste To make it, if you have a really good blender, you can just chop the turmeric and ginger and put it into the blender. Otherwise you are going to have to grate it. Next add all the other ingredients to a blender and blend until all ingredients are pureed. Have a quick Taste and adjust the honey or maple syrup next time depending on how sweet you like it. Then drink immediately. I hope you have enjoyed this video If you have please subscribe to this YouTube channel, and don’t forget to give this video the thumbs up. And I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this next video on 6 Health Benefits of Baking Soda & Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic Drink Thanks for watching and bye for now

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