Friday, August 27, 2021

Inositol for Period Problems, Letting Go of Macro Counting, Lack of Focus, & Kids Snacks

Here are the notes for episode #338 of Well-Fed Women. Be sure to check back every Tuesday for a new episode, and head over to Apple Podcasts or Stitcher to subscribe!

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In this episode, Noelle and Stefani discuss inositol for period problems, letting go of macro counting, lack of focus, & kids snacks.

Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at

10% of the funds we receive from our sponsors is donated directly to our partner charity, Thistle Farms, a place where women survivors of abuse, addiction, trafficking and prostitution receive help and support through residential programs, therapy, education, and employment opportunities. Because we get paid per download, you are actively supporting Thistle Farms by downloading our podcast each week.


[9:38] Inositol for Period Problems

[24:45] Letting Go of Macro Counting

[36:13] Lack of Focus

[47:00] Kids Snacks

Noelle’s website:

Stefani’s website:

Buy our book Coconuts and Kettlebells

Well-Fed Women Holistic Health Facebook Group

#327: How to Fix Period Problems and Hormone Imbalances Without the Pill with Lara Briden, ND

#213: The Pill, Irregular Periods, & Post-Birth Control Syndrome with Dr. Jolene Brighten


Four Sigmatic Lion’s Mane Mushroom Elixir

Simple Mills



When I talk about blood sugar, a lot of people tune out because they think it’s only relevant to people with type 2 diabetes. But blood sugar is a topic everybody needs to understand.

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is vital to your health but the question is, how do you do it?

One way is to reduce your intake of processed carbohydrates and make sure you eat fat, protein, fiber, and greens at most meals.

But none of us is perfect. We all cheat sometimes. So it just makes sense to have a way to maintain healthy blood sugar day in, day out, even if you have an “off” day.

That’s why I recommend a product called Blood Sugar Breakthrough by BiOptimizers. This easy to take supplement is the result of numerous tests to find the absolute best formula for maintaining healthy blood sugar. In fact, BiOptimizers went through 5 different formulations before landing on this one.

Blood Sugar Breakthrough works to safely lower blood sugar after meals so that you can maintain a healthy weight and redirect carbs to your muscles where they can be burned for energy.

Today you can get 10% OFF with our coupon code.

Visit and enter code WELLFED10


The podcast is sponsored by BLUblox. I have become so passionate about light optimization recently, and filtering out computer light and blue light entirely after the sun sets. I wasn’t doing anything about this until about a year ago, and I was experiencing eye strain, migraines, and an unexplained wired and tired feeling, especially at night. Now I wear BLUblox computer filter glasses anytime I’m looking at screens, and BLUblox sleep lenses at night, and I haven’t experienced symptoms since.

BLUblox was created because they saw the need for a product that was exactly in line with the peer-reviewed academic literature. There are a lot of cheaply made lenses out there that don’t actually block all the blue and green light. Don’t waste your time on that, go to, and use the code WELLFED for 15% off.

* This article was originally published here

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