Wednesday, May 29, 2019

27 Amazing Health Benefits & Home Uses of Orange Peels video.

27 Amazing Health Benefits & Home Uses of Orange Peels Natural Health Remedies
27 Amazing Health Benefits & Home Uses of Orange Peels Orange fruit is the best source of Vitamin C, which is good for health and skin care as well. However most of the benefits of orange are in its skin itself. You will amaze after knowing the stunning benefits of orange peel. Most of us who eat oranges, normally throw out the peels, but what many of us are unaware of is that these peels are loaded with highly nutritious compounds that are beneficial for our health. Orange peels contain more than 60 types of flavonoids and over 170 different types of phytonutrients, in addition to being rich in various pectins, vitamins, minerals and fibre. Here are the top 7 health benefits of orange peel which might make you think twice before discarding the peels, the next time you consume an orange. 1. Orange Peel Benefits in Weight Loss Those who wish to lose weight can significantly benefit from orange peels. These are low in calories and abundant in dietary fiber which makes them an excellent food for weight loss. Further, these also supply you with an ample amount of Vitamin C which helps in burning fat. Thus, orange peel benefits you by ensuring proper utilization of calories and eliminating the excess of body fat which is essential for losing weight. 2. Orange Peel Protects your Teeth Orange peel benefits in keeping your smile intact. It has potent antibacterial properties that prevent the build-up of bacteria in your mouth and prevent dental cavities. Also, limonene present in the peels acts as a natural solvent and naturally whitens your teeth. 3 Fights cancer: Orange peel fights a large number of cancers, such as skin, lung, breast, stomach, and colon cancers. It also reduces the risk of liver cancer. That’s may be due to its antioxidant protein. This peel also contains substances called (polymethoxyflavones) which protects against cancer formation and its development in various organs of the body. 4 To clean the surfaces and floors: Orange oil is used for this purpose where it can be extracted naturally in the house using this method: place orange peels in a glass container and pour on it a quantity of white vinegar, then place it in the refrigerator. After a few weeks filter the vinegar from the crusts and use the resulting mixture in cleaning For different surfaces and floors. 5 To clean and sterilize the kettle: Boil the orange peel in the kettle and leave it for 15-30 minutes, then rinse the kettle. You will find that all the impurities that have been stuck are gone and its smell has become freshener. 6 To fight the signs of aging: Orange peel contains a high percentage of antioxidants that help fight free radicals responsible for the appearance of wrinkles and skin sagging. Mix a tablespoon of orange peel powder with oatmeal powder and honey to get a homogeneous mixture, apply the mask on your face and neck for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water. 7. Orange Peel Boosts Your Digestive Health Orange peel is known to contain high amounts of dietary fiber which is good for your digestive health. The high amount of fiber in orange peel benefits in regulating your bowel movement and ensures proper digestion of essential nutrients. Thus, you can add orange peel extract to your diet to promote digestion and regularity. 8. Orange Peel Benefits in Lowering Blood Sugar Levels Orange peel benefits people who have diabetes by maintaining the level of blood sugar. It is because the peels are known to contain pectin, a fiber which plays a crucial role in regulating the blood sugar level. Studies have shown that treatment done with orange peel extract can prevent diabetic nephropathy. 9 To freshen the breath: It can be used as a breath freshener by gently rubbing the gums with fresh orange peels. 10 Reduce the bad cholesterol: Orange peel contains a large amount of soluble fibre as it contains flavonoids, so it helps to reduce the proportion of bad cholesterol in the blood. Also, it helps to maintain normal blood pressure levels. 11. Orange Peel Strengthens Your Heart Orange peel is rich in a flavonoid known as hesperidin which plays a crucial role in reducing the cholesterol level in the body and lowering blood pressure. The piths also contain strong anti-inflammatory properties that prevent inflammation in blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of heart diseases. 12. Clears Up Acne Blend orange peel in a blender, mix with milk and apply on the acne. Or squeeze the juice from the peel onto a pimple. The phenolic antioxidants in bitter orange peel can act as effectively against acne-causing bacteria as any standard antibiotics. Since the peel has more vitamin C than the fruit flesh,

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