Monday, May 20, 2019

How to Prevent Varicose Veins in Legs and Feet Naturally with Simple Seeds video.

How to Prevent Varicose Veins in Legs and Feet Naturally with Simple Seeds Natural Health Remedies
How to Prevent Varicose Veins in Legs/ Feet Naturally with Simple Seeds If you are concerned with developing varicose veins, there are a few steps you can take to lower the likelihood those swollen vessels will occur. One involves a food that you are probably not eating now and may never have heard of before. Its inexpensive, easy-to-prepare ingredient, has also been highly touted for its many health benefits, including a lower risk for varicose veins. Varicose veins occur when the veins around the thighs or calf muscles get inflamed. This weakens the valves around the leg region and, as a result, they no longer close properly. This condition leads to poor blood flow back to the heart causing the impure blood to pool in the veins as ugly lumps. Buckwheat is shown to be one of the best natural remedies to treat this condition. Research suggests it is largely due to its nutritional and antioxidant profile, particularly with reference to its phytonutrient rutin. So What is Buckwheat? Despite its name, buckwheat is not actually a type of wheat, which makes it gluten-free. It is a seed from a plant in the same category as rhubarb. The seeds can be eaten raw, cooked into cereal or ground into flour and used in baked goods. It is a complete protein source packed with vital nutrients, including some that might be useful in warding off varicose veins. Nutritional Benefits Buckwheat offers many nutritional benefits, including a few that may sound a bit unfamiliar: Rutin – This important bioflavonoid has been shown to strengthen smaller blood vessels, promoting a healthier vascular system. At the same time, rutin may lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots and decrease your risk for some types of allergies. Tannins – Usually found in tea, these compounds have been found to improve diabetes. Tannins also improve the good bacteria in the gut that helps to fight off bacterial infections. Vitamins – Buckwheat is rich in B vitamins, including B6, niacin, thiamin, folate and choline. Minerals – Buckwheat is also a good source of trace minerals like magnesium, copper and manganese. Why is buckwheat so good for varicose veins Researchers say the compound rutin, abundant in buckwheat is crucial for maintaining structural integrity and strength of tiny blood capillaries, arteries and veins. Rutin especially improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation in damaged veins. In addition to rutin, buckwheat has a natural combination of nutrients that support vascular health. It contains almost 86 milligrams of magnesium – in one cup – which is vital to relax blood vessels, improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. Is there any science to back up the health claims of buckwheat? A study, published in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, revealed that consumption of buckwheat herb tea improved blood circulation and prevented leg edema in patients with varicose veins. A French study in the 2008 edition of the journal, Arthritis Research and Therapy highlighted the inflammation reducing capabilities of the rutin in both test tube studies as well as in rat models with chronic arthritis. A Chinese study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated rutin’s potential to improve blood flow which enhanced vascular health. How to eat buckwheat . Buckwheat groats can be used to make a delicious hot breakfast porridge, and buckwheat flour (also known as beechwheat flour,) can be used in baked goods. Buckwheat groats contain only 92 calories per 100 grams and are loaded with protein, which makes them an excellent food also for those who are watching their waistline. Furthermore, not only is buckwheat high in protein, but the protein it contains also includes all eight essential amino acids, all of which are needed for tissue repair. I hope you have enjoyed this video on how to prevent varicose veins in legs/ feet naturally with simple seeds And if you have please subscribe and give this video the thumbs up. And I’m sure your going to enjoy this next video on home remedies for varicose veins Thanks for watching and bye for now

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