Monday, May 13, 2019


What Are the Best Foods for Prostate Health GOING TO THE DOCTOR FOR A PROSTATE CHECKUP IS NOT AMONG THE TOP THINGS MEN LIKE TO DO, BUT IF YOU’RE 40 YEARS OR OLDER, IT’S TIME TO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THIS IMPORTANT GLAND. IN RECENT YEARS, THE CONNECTION BETWEEN DIET AND PROSTATE HEALTH HAS GROWN STRONGER, AS STUDY AFTER STUDY DEMONSTRATES THE BENEFITS OF PARTICULAR FOODS TO PROTECT AGAINST, AND MANAGE, CERTAIN PROSTATE CONDITIONS. You can protect your prostate by switching over to a diet rich in vegetables, healthy fats, and fruits. The foods that are known to benefit your prostate are: 1Salmon Salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which are the healthy fats needed by our body and which also prevents and reduces inflammation in the body. Apart from salmon, sardines and trout also contain these healthy fats. 2Tomatoes Tomatoes consist of lycopene which is a beneficial antioxidant for the prostate gland cells. In, fact cooking up the tomatoes to make tomato soup or tomato sauce releases the lycopene thereby making it readily available for the body. 3Berries Berries like raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries all contain high amounts of antioxidants that eliminate free radicals from within the body. The byproducts of the reactions which occur within the body over time are the free radicals. If they aren’t removed from the body on time, they may end up causing damage and disease. 4Broccoli A chemical known as sulforaphane is only found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy, and Brussels sprouts. This chemical supposedly destroys cancer cells and helps in promoting a healthy prostate. 5Nuts Nuts are a good source of zinc which is required in high concentrations within the prostate in order to balance out DHT and testosterone. Legumes and shellfish also have high zinc content. Nuts are a good source of zinc 6Turmeric This golden spice is used in many Asian foods and cuisines (think curries and golden milk) and shows promise as a preventative against certain prostate conditions. It has also been shown to lower PSA levels when paired with pomegranate, green tea, and broccoli. Curcumin is the component of turmeric that has been shown in research to offer a variety of protective qualities for the body—including the prostate. 7Citrus fruits Citrus fruits all are very rich in vitamin C which aids in protecting the prostate gland. These fruits include lemons, oranges, grapefruit, and limes. Citrus fruits contain vitamin C which is also good for UTI problems. 8Garlic and Onions A study, it found that men who had no BPH tended to eat more garlic and onions than those men who had BPH. While more research data is needed to ascertain the final result, garlic and onions are nonetheless, considered extremely beneficial in almost every diet. For maximum benefit of garlic, eat a few pods of raw garlic every day. 9Green tea Sipping on a few cups of green tea daily can benefit the prostate, thanks to a potent antioxidant compound known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that has been shown to lower prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels, as well as support prostate health. 10Mushrooms Evidence has indicated that one of the most common, edible mushrooms available can also support prostate health. A recent clinical trial of white button mushrooms has shown that the fungi can slow down production of certain sex hormones and lower PSA levels, as well as help to improve immune function.5 11Pomegranate This delicious, messy fruit may provide some support for prostate health. In particular, the peel contains phytochemicals and antioxidants that may be beneficial, while the juice has shown an ability to prolong the doubling time of PSA. Foods that need to be avoided Working out a diet plan to deal with an enlarged prostate is helpful and all but this also basically requires you to avoid certain types of food which could probably ruin your prostate health. The foods that you should avoid are: Red Meat: Abstaining from eating red meat or any meat on a daily basis can potentially improve prostate health. Daily consumption might cause the risk of prostate enlargement to triple. Dairy Products 16 Anti Cancer Foods That You Must Include in your Anti Cancer Diet

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