Sunday, June 16, 2019

11 Kefir Health Benefits & Uses To Maintain Body Health video.

11 Kefir Health Benefits & Uses To Maintain Body Health Natural Health Remedies
11 Kefir Health Benefits & Uses To Maintain Body Health Kefir is all the rage in the natural health community. High in nutrients and probiotics, it is very beneficial for digestion and gut health Kefir is a cultured, fermented milk drink, originally from the mountainous region that divides Asia and Europe. It is similar to yogurt – but a drink, with a sour taste and a slight ‘fizz’. This is due to carbon dioxide – the end product of the fermentation process. The length of the fermentation time will affect the taste. Kefir is a good source of calcium and is rich in probiotic bacteria.. Many people consider it to be healthier than yogurt. Here are 11 health benefits of kefir that are supported by research. 1 kefir improves digestion Some people find that kefir improves their digestion due to its probiotic content. Probiotics can help restore balance in the gut, thereby improving digestion. As kefir is rich in probiotic bacteria, it can be beneficial to include it in the diet for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal disturbances. Some studies have found that kefir is better tolerated in those with lactose intolerance. However, people with lactose intolerance should consult their GP before introducing kefir to their diet. 2. Kefir Is a More Powerful Probiotic Than Yogurt Some microorganisms can have beneficial effects on health when ingested (3Trusted Source). Known as probiotics, these microorganisms may influence health in numerous ways, aiding digestion, weight management and mental health Yogurt is the best known probiotic food in the Western diet, but kefir is actually a much more potent source. Kefir grains contain up to 61 strains of bacteria and yeasts, making them a very rich and diverse probiotic source, though diversity may vary Other fermented dairy products are made from far fewer strains and don't contain any yeasts. 3 Nutritional benefits Milk is a good source of protein and calcium, and kefir is no different. However it has the added benefits of probiotics. Probiotics are known as ‘friendly bacteria’ that can ease IBS symptoms such as bloating and digestive distress in some people. 4. Kefir Has Potent Antibacterial Properties Certain probiotics in kefir are believed to protect against infections. This includes the certain probiotic, which is unique to kefir. Studies demonstrate that this probiotic can inhibit the growth of various harmful bacteria, including Salmonella, and E. coli Kefiran, a type of carbohydrate present in kefir, also has antibacterial properties 5) Kefir May Improve Skin Health and Reduce Scars Kefir gel reduced wound size and scar tissue in rats with burn wounds A 70% kefir gel sped up the wound healing and protected the skin connective tissue in rats infected with the bacteria Staphylococcus. This bacteria is one of the most common causes of skin infections [5]. Milk kefir also protected cells from UV damage. Aside from preventing skin cancer, this may reduce skin aging [27, 107]. 6 Does kefir help you to lose weight? Obesity has been linked to an imbalance in gut bacteria. However, which strain of bacteria has an effect is less clear. Some evidence suggests that certain bacteria found in kefir are associated with changes in weight, but more robust evidence is needed before recommendations can be made. 7. Kefir May Be Protective Against Cancer Cancer is one of the world's leading causes of death. It occurs when abnormal cells in your body grow uncontrollably, such as in a tumor. The probiotics in fermented dairy products are believed to reduce tumor growth by stimulating your immune system. Therefore, it is possible that kefir may fight cancer This protective role has been demonstrated in several test-tube studies One study found that kefir extract reduced the number of human breast cancer cells by 56%, compared to only 14% for yogurt extract Keep in mind that though human studies are needed before firm conclusions can be made. 8 Does kefir promote better bone health? Traditional kefir made from cow's milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin K, which are both important for bone health. As we get older, our bones become weaker, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, especially in post-menopausal women. Kefir, along with other dairy products, is a useful source of dietary calcium. 9. Kefir Is Low in Lactose Regular dairy foods contain a natural sugar called lactose. Many people, especially adults, are unable to break down and digest lactose properly. This condition is called lactose intolerance (25). The lactic acid bacteria in fermented dairy foods — like kefir and yogurt — turn the lactose into lactic acid, so these foods are much lower in lactose than milk. They also contain enzymes that can help break down the lactose even further. Therefore, kefir is generally well tolerated by people with lactose intolerance, at least compared to regular milk

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