Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Pour Vinegar into Toilet Tank Cistern and The Results Will Amaze You video.

Pour Vinegar into Toilet Tank Cistern and The Results Will Amaze You Natural Health Remedies
Pour Vinegar into Toilet Tank/ Cistern and The Results Will Amaze You Are you tired of using harsh, toxic chemicals when you clean? Do you have to be careful when you clean the bathroom with bleach? What if I told you that you could cut down on the number of times you had to clean that nasty toilet? And, what if I told you that you could still get the bowl sparkling clean and free from bacteria? You don’t have to worry about bleach spots or toxic chemical smells. All this can be achieved with one household product that’s been used in cleaning for centuries — vinegar. Using white vinegar once for a thorough cleaning and following up with consistent use of the same product in the tank, could significantly cut down on the time you spend cleaning. It can eliminate some of the worries you might have with using bleach and other harsh industrial chemicals. And, yes, it does kill bacteria. Studies have proven that the acid in vinegar kills bacteria, by breaking down the outer membrane and releasing protons that cause the cell’s death. White vinegar is safe for the environment too. All you need is one liter of white vinegar, an empty spray bottle, and a few other common cleaning items. To get started, pour half of the liter of white vinegar in the toilet tank or cistern. Next, fill up the empty spray bottle with some vinegar. Start the cleaning process by cleaning the outside of the toilet with the vinegar in the spray bottle. Next, take some toilet paper and wet it with the vinegar. Was the toilet paper into small balls and place them under the rim of the toilet. Leave them there for a few minutes. Now, pour some of the vinegar into the bowl and scrub it with a toilet brush. Scrub the underside of the rim with the toilet brush. Make sure that you scrub the places where you placed wadded up balls of toilet paper. Finally, flush the toilet. The initial cleaning is done. If you add vinegar to the tank every few days, it will keep it cleaner longer. Try it out, and take the bleach out of your bathroom without sacrificing any cleanliness. I hope you have enjoyed this video on Pour Vinegar into Toilet Tank/ Cistern and The Results Will Amaze You If you have please subscribe to this youtube channel and don’t forget to give this this video the thumbs up And I’m sure your going to enjoy this next video on how to clean a toilet with baking soda and vinegar

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