Wednesday, September 18, 2019

16 Daily Habits of Successful People To Change Your Life video.

16 Daily Habits of Successful People To Change Your Life Natural Health Remedies
Discipline is probably the one trait most associated with achievement. It's because accomplishing great things involves consistently doing the right things over and over again, even when it's hard. Take exercise, for example. It's a habit that many highly successful people credit for helping them feel energized, creative, and focused. The difference between mediocre people and those who truly do great things? Here are 16 daily habits of successful people to change your life No 1 Go for a social media detox. The digital world has taken over almost every aspect of our lives. The average person has five social media accounts and spends at least 1 hour and 40 minutes every day on checking social media. Research shows that the more time you spend on a social media site, the more likely you are to develop depression. Take time to cut back on social media to reduce stress and mental clutter. Switch off your phone and laptop for a few hours every day to improve your mood and reconnect with the world around you. No 2 Stop and listen After learning to put away distractions, another habit that will change your life, particularly how you relate to other people and to your environment, is the art of listening. Listening is a great skill to master and it puts you in good standing with a lot of people. After all, who doesn’t appreciate a good listener? Plus, if you’re keen enough, listening lets you pick up on things that aren’t blatantly apparent, such as changes in the tone of voice, emphasized words, and even emotion, making you even better at hearing and deciphering the information you get from people. No 3. Define Your Priorities One of the big reasons why you’re not reaching your goals is likely to do with how much you have on your plate, professionally and personally. It’s likely you’re trying to do too many things at the same time. Ask yourself: what are your ultimate goals? Once you’ve defined them, drop everything that doesn’t cater to them. You can always come back to these things later, after you’ve established what’s most important to you. No 4 Make time for exercise. Other than improving your physical health, working out regularly pumps up creativity and enhances your cognitive skills. It's also an effective way to build endurance and get energized. And if you're still not convinced, exercising also elevates mood by boosting the production of endorphins - hormones that act as natural anti-depressants. No 5 Follow the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule means that in any situation, 20% of the tasks yield 80% of the results. So you can maximize productivity by investing most of your time and energy on those specific tasks that will create the biggest impact. Once you've finished those tasks, you can focus on other activities that are on your to-do list. No 6-Read, read, read. Reading books is a great way to gain knowledge and stimulate creativity. Immersion reading also improves focus and has a calming effect similar to meditation. Moreover, reading before bedtime can help you sleep better. Non-fiction books, in particular, are an excellent tool to broaden horizon, develop new ideas and seek motivation. Additionally, they also offer actionable advice on how to overcome all kinds of challenging situations through real-life examples. No 7 Go Minimal External clutter leads to mental clutter. Do a clean sweep of your home and get rid of everything you no longer use or have never used. There’s no better feeling than knowing you actually need and use everything you’re surrounded by. The added Bonus is you also save time by not having to clean as much! No 8 Drink water in the morning What is the first thing you did this morning after smacking the alarm off and rolling out of bed? Did you make a beeline for the coffee or did you first chug a glass of water? If you did the latter, that’s a habit you will want to keep, and here’s why. Drinking water first thing in the morning is a great way to jumpstart your body. It not only jolts the brain to action, but it also helps your body to rehydrate and to expel toxins that accumulated overnight. Your body spends eight to ten hours every day sleeping. That’s eight to ten hours without rehydration despite the fact that water is still being used up. When you wake up and rehydrate immediately, it rejuvenates the organs as well, kicking your body into high gear. Some even say that drinking water in the morning helps boost their productivity by helping the brain focus for longer periods of time throughout the day. No 9. Add fruits The importance of a balanced diet in the day-to-day life of an individual remains largely unrecognized especially as our schedules become more hectic and we find less and less time sneak in a simple snack, let alone an entire meal.

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