Saturday, November 16, 2019

14 Incredible Health Benefits of Chia Seeds - Hair Growth, Weight Loss & Side Effects video.

14 Incredible Health Benefits of Chia Seeds - Hair Growth, Weight Loss & Side Effects Natural Health Remedies
One of the biggest superfoods to grace the shelves of health stores and garnish salads and smoothie bowls are chia seeds. A little goes a long way with these tiny grey seeds – just one tablespoon is packed with all the healthy nutrients of a large serving of fruits or vegetables. We have been cultivating chia seeds for an impressively long time – even before Columbus discovered America. They were once an incredibly important food crop, but seemed to have been forgotten about on the whole… until, that is, we re-discovered them in recent years for their incredible nutritional benefits. Chia seeds are a food staple in themselves, so you won’t find them in another food unless they’ve been added in afterwards. They’re a popular salad topping, but can be used in sweet and savoury foods, including porridge, muffins, and stir fries, or as an egg substitute. They’re fairly costly to purchase, but they’re more than worth their price tag. If you want to understand why, keep watching to learn about the top 14 health benefits of chia seeds. No1 They’re a great source of fibre Fibre is one of the essential food groups needed for maintaining good general health. Just a tablespoon of chia seeds contains 10g of dietary fibre, which is 40% of the suggested total daily intake. This is great for people who struggle to eat enough fibre, and may experience bloating, constipation, and low energy levels. Chia seeds contain soluble fibre, which helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood. No2 They’re packed with antioxidants Our body’s cells are more fragile than we think: they can be easily damaged by free radicals, which cause something called oxidative stress. This can lead to a range of diseases like cancer and arthritis, and is characterised by ‘ageing’ symptoms such as skin spots and wrinkles. The antioxidants in chia seeds help to protect cells from oxidation, preventing signs of ageing, improving sleep quality and reducing the risk of disease. No3 They may help with weight loss One serving of chia seeds contains around 120 calories, making them one of the lowest calorie, highest nutrient healthy snacks. We’re only now beginning to look into the weight loss benefits of chia seeds, but studies so far have uncovered promising results. As part of a healthy, active diet and lifestyle, chia seeds have been found to promote weight loss because of their high fibre content, which makes it easier for people to lose weight by supressing appetite and supplying important nutrients. No4 They’re important for brain health Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, one of the vital nutrients for the health of the body and the brain. Multiple studies have noted their power in fighting mental illnesses like anxiety and depression, with one study even finding that omega 3 is as effective against depression as common depression drugs. Omega 3s are more widely known for brain development in children. Adding chia seeds into your child’s diet will help them to maintain good eyesight, higher intelligence and better social skills. No5 They may lower heart disease risk Heart disease can affect anyone, but studies show that diet is directly linked to the issue. Several studies show that chia seeds significantly reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension, which often leads to heart disease. This is most likely because of their high fibre, protein and omega 3 content. While chia seeds alone may not be enough to improve heart health, there’s evidence to suggest their benefits when combined with a good diet and exercise. No6 They contain nutrients essential to bone health Our bone health only gets more important as we age, and chia seeds contain high concentrations of nutrients that are highly beneficial to maintaining healthy bones. Calcium, found in high quantities in chia seeds, is known for its ability to build strong, dense bone matter. Phosphorus, magnesium and protein, also found in chia seeds, are all recognized for their role in the prevention of osteoporosis, a disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle.

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