Friday, November 22, 2019

How To Clean Arteries And Remove Bad Cholesterol Naturally video.

How To Clean Arteries And Remove Bad Cholesterol Naturally Natural Health Remedies
IN this video I’m going to show you How to clean arteries naturally A healthy heart is vital for a long, enriching life. A lot of people are under the misconception that our heart health is what it is – and that we can’t do anything to change it for the good or the bad. Actually, though, the way we live our lives can have a massive impact on how well our hearts can function. Diet, exercise and stress levels all come into play when it comes to the overall health of your heart. If you’ve recently found out that you’re at high risk of heart disease or a heart attack because your arteries are clogged, now is your time to make a real change. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that simply transforming your lifestyle is enough to reverse artery damage and give your heart a new lease of life – literally. It’s never too late, either, so if you’re interested to learn how to clean your arteries naturally, stay tuned. So How do arteries become clogged? Before you can work towards the solution, it’s important for you to first understand the problem. Exactly how do arteries become clogged in the first place? It all results from a build-up of something called plaque on the inner walls of the arteries. This plaque can accumulate over time, preventing adequate blood supply from flowing to and from the heart. Eventually, this can lead to coronary heart disease, which in turn can lead to heart attacks as a direct result of a lack of oxygen to the heart. It can also result in chest pain and shortness of breath, as well as circulatory issues around the body, especially the hands and feet. The plaque inside the artery walls is made up of a number of substances found in the body, including fat, cholesterol, and cellular waste. For this reason, diet is a huge contributor to artery clogging – a diet rich in foods higher in fat and cholesterol will lead to a plaque build-up over a faster amount of time. So How can I clean my arteries naturally? Luckily, if your arteries are clogged with plaque, making a few simple diet and lifestyle changes is all it takes to reverse the damage and return to optimum health. These changes are not difficult to keep up with, and, in fact, should improve your overall health and wellbeing drastically, so there’s certainly motivation for you to persevere if the going ever gets tough. Keep on listening to discover exactly what you can do to clean your arteries naturally and effectively: 1. Diet As we’ve mentioned already, diet plays a huge role in the health of your heart. While a diet consisting of high fat and high cholesterol foods will contribute substantially to artery blockage, one containing artery-clearing foods will have the opposite effect. Research even suggests that certain foods can not only help you to maintain heart health, but reverse any damage that’s already been caused to the arteries. Some of these foods include: • Whole grains Whole grains are high in dietary fibre, which has been proven to improve blood cholesterol levels and prevent heart disease. New research has discovered that diets containing plenty of whole grains can lead to thinner walls in the carotid arteries. These arteries are vital for delivering blood to the brain, preventing strokes and damage to the brain cells. The best sources of whole grains are whole grain pasta, bread, and rice, as well as buckwheat, quinoa, oats, plain popcorn and rye. • Spinach Spinach is an incredible source of nitrate, a form of nitrogen which is absorbed directly through the plant’s roots from the soil. When we digest spinach, nitrates are converted into nitric oxide, which helps the arteries to resist plaque and blood clotting. Over time, this can help reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. One study found that participants who consumed a meal high in nitrates experienced a dramatic drop in blood pressure after just a few hours, which lasted for the entire day that followed.

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