Saturday, November 30, 2019

14 Natural Home Remedies For Super Long Nail GROWTH video.

14 Natural Home Remedies For Super Long Nail GROWTH Natural Health Remedies
Long, strong nails are a clear sign of good health, so it’s no wonder that so many of us try our best to grow ours to a good length. Long nails also enhance the beauty of your hands, and provide a much more attractive base for nail varnish, helping you to show off your new colour or design in its best light. The problem is, trying to grow your nails is a lot harder than it should be. You might find that you’re only managing to grow one nail to a decent length before it succumbs to the same fate as the rest of your nails and ends up snapping clean off. While this might just be down to your lifestyle – if you do a lot of cleaning or washing up, for instance, or your job involves typing on a keyboard all day – it could equally be a sign that you’re not managing to take in the nutrients that your nails need for healthy growth. Luckily, promoting nail growth is really easy, and usually just requires a bit of diligence and patience on your part. There’s no need to resort to spending money on expensive nail growth products – which probably won’t work, when you could take matters into your own hands using ingredients you most likely have lying around in your cupboard. If you’re looking for natural home remedies for fast and effective nail growth, you can’t go wrong with any of the following: No1 Horsetail Not many people have heard of horsetail, but it’s actually been a key ingredient in natural medicine for years. It contains a whole host of beneficial minerals, like calcium and silica, as well as essential vitamins that are necessary for improving the overall strength of your nails. Horsetail is also rich in folic acid, which we all need for healthy cell growth. The easiest way to benefit from the herb is to make horsetail tea – but don’t worry, there’s no drinking required! Simply boil the horsetail for thirty minutes, strain, and then wait for the water to cool before soaking your nails into the solution. Try to do it at least four times a week. No2 Nettle You might be more familiar with nettles as being the little devils that used to sting you if you accidentally touched them as a child, but nettle is actually incredibly beneficial to our health. It’s known for its impressive mineral content, which promotes skin, hair and nail growth. Like horsetail, nettle is rich in silica, which is essential for strong nail formation. You can drink nettle tea to get the most out of the herb, by boiling two tablespoons of nettle in water for twenty minutes, adding honey if you need a bit of flavour, and drinking at least once every day. No3 Vitamin E Vitamin E is an effective remedy for all number of nail issues, and while we can find it in some of our foods, if you’re looking to improve nail health, the best way forward is to purchase vitamin E oil. The oil works as a powerful antioxidant and has been shown to protect the nails from aging, which is a factor that can cause breakage. Not only that, but vitamin E can heal weak and brittle nails, and because it’s quickly absorbed, it’ll produce promising results fairly quickly. Give it a go by combining a spoonful of vitamin E oil with another oil, like tea tree, and soaking your nails for up to an hour. No 4Olive oil If you’re after an oil for promoting nail growth that’s a little less niche, you can’t go wrong with olive oil. If your nails are brittle, you’re going to really struggle to get any sort of decent growth from them – which is where olive oil can help. It contains natural components that have been proven to keep nails strong and healthy. If you want to try olive oil out yourself, it’s best to preheat it to make sure it penetrates through your nail with the best effect. Try soaking your nails for half an hour, or wearing gloves over the oil and leaving them on overnight. No5 Orange juice Who’d have thought that our morning orange juice might help in any way with nail growth? Because it is known for encouraging collagen production, an essential protein in our hair and nails, orange juice is great for improving nail strength. This is another one that’s best done topically – try soaking your nails in some freshly-squeezed juice for between ten and fifteen minutes. Give it a go twice a day, and you should notice some pretty impressive change.

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