Wednesday, November 27, 2019

!5 Easy Ways To Reduce and Cure BLOATING Naturally video.

!5 Easy Ways To Reduce and Cure BLOATING Naturally Natural Health Remedies
In this video I’m going to show you How to reduce and cure bloating naturally We never quite realise the huge effect that bloating can have on our daily lives until we find ourselves suffering from it. Bloating can cause underlying pain and discomfort that can be impossible to get rid of, even with so called bloat-reducing medications. Bloating happens when the gastrointestinal tract gets filled with air, and it often causes stomach pain, gas, and sometimes even vomiting. If you’re bloated, you may notice that your stomach is inflated in size, and you feel consistently full throughout the day. It’s common to feel the increased urge to burp or break wind when you’re bloated, as a result of the trapped gas trying to escape from your body. The frustrating reality is, while bloating is really common, there is often no definite cause for the disorder, as it can stem from so many different issues (or a combination of a few). Namely, you might find yourself becoming bloated from eating too quickly, eating certain “trigger” foods, illness or digestive disorders such as IBS, food intolerance, or even a bacterial imbalance. See why it’s so difficult to pinpoint the cause of bloating? Luckily, you don’t necessarily need to know what’s caused your bloating to be able to get rid of it. And, in fact, there are much better solutions for warding off bloating in the long run if you’re not a fan of reaching for the medication whenever you get the feeling of trapped gas. Stay tuned to discover the simplest, most effective ways of naturally curing bloating. No1 Don’t eat too quickly The problem with eating too quickly is that it’s the easiest way to end up swallowing a whole lot of unwanted air alongside your food. This air goes straight to your GI tract, where it builds up over time, eventually leading to bloating. Try getting into the habit of eating more slowly, or practice mindful eating, the act of reaching a state of full physical and mental awareness while eating. No2 Avoid foods that cause gas Some people are more effected by certain gas-causing foods then others. These foods tend to contain alpha-galactosides, which belong to a group of carbs called FODMAPs. When high FODMAP foods are fermented in the colon, gas is released as a by-product. That’s why it can be a good idea to avoid these foods altogether if you’re susceptible to bloating. Examples of high FODMAP foods to avoid include beans and legumes, lentils, fizzy drinks, wheat, green vegetables, apples, and certain sugary alcohols. No3 Eat smaller meals, more often Studies have found that eating larger meals all in one go is far more likely to cause bloating than if you stick to a diet of smaller meals eaten more often throughout the day. This helps to keep the digestive system moving, instead of allowing it to switch off and then bombarding it with a large meal to break down. No4 Sip your drinks carefully It might sound a little strange, but the way you drink your daily beverages can really have an effect on the levels of bloating in your body. Sipping from a straw, for example, is an easy way to gulp air into your GI tract, which is a cause for immediate bloating. Try to drink slowly and carefully, and avoid swallowing air while you drink if you can. No5 Avoid constipation Another of the most common causes of bloating in constipation, a digestive condition that can make it difficult to regularly go to the toilet. When you’re constipated, the bacteria can ferment foods in your colon for a longer period of time, which leads to a bigger by-production of gas. Although it’s difficult to get rid of constipation, it’s important that you go to the effort to do so, especially if you’re regularly constipated. Visit your doctor or seek out natural constipation cures if you’re struggling. No6 Go for a walk Sitting around all day is the harsh reality of many people’s day-to-day work life, and frustratingly, this lack of movement will cause your GI tract to work at an incredibly slow pace. Simply the act of moving your body is enough to get the important organs in your digestive system working, which helps foods to bypass the colon more quickly and prevent a build-up of gas. No7 Stay hydrated If you’re not drinking enough water, it’s impossible for your body to function as it should do – and processes like digestion suddenly become a whole lot more difficult. Many of us don’t keep track of how much liquid we’re drinking every day, which is why it’s so easy to become dehydrated without even realising. Get yourself a two-litre water bottle and make sure you’ve emptied it out by the end of the day. This should help to flush your system and keep things moving, as well as restoring the sodium balance so your body will give up the excess fluid that leads to bloating. No8 Drink peppermint tea Herbal teas have a wealth of health benefits – and it turns out that from chewing gum. While you’re chewing gum, and

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